Student Outreach – Speakers Kit | AIChE


Student Outreach – Speakers Kit

We have worked hard to make your classroom visit as easy and successful as possible. To that end, we have put together a Student Outreach Speakers Kit. Most of the kit is available electronically right here. There’s information on how to prepare, a whole set of presentations ready-to-go, and materials to leave behind.

Please take advantage of this material. Please let us know how it can be improved, and please send us the feedback form, or otherwise let us know how things went. It is important that we learn from each others experiences and keep track of what we have accomplished.

You can download the entire kit here (23 MB) or grab just the pieces you need in the list below.


Preparation Guide (how to get started)

Feedback Form – to be filled out after every presentation

Short Description of Presentations

Complete Hands-On Projects/Presentations

Making Alphabet Soup for 300 – (class participation, 1st – 5th grade, “scale-up”)

Not All Engineers Drive Trains (elementary, brief introduction into engineering and what engineers do)

Designing an Ice Cream Plant (5th-8th grade, reading engineering drawings, simple calcs)

Cleaning Up The Spill from a (Vegetable) Oil Tanker (elementary school, hands-on project)

What Goes On In An Oil Refinery (high school)

Catalysts (high school)

Mass Volume (elementary school, hands-on project)

General Photos – can be used with any presentation


What Is 91˶Ƶ Engineering?

Amazing Achievements in 91˶Ƶ Engineering

Engineering Careers

91˶Ƶ Engineering Jobs


What Kind of Engineer Am I? (Competition for middle school through high school students. Most questions relate to space program theme.)

Other Useful Information / Resources

91˶Ƶ Engineering Schools

Typical Curriculum

Other Materials