Join/Re-Join Email List or Update Contact Information | AIChE


Join/Re-Join Email List or Update Contact Information

Here are the options to keep up to date with AIChE Chicago section:

Option 1: Become a Chicago local section member in addition to AIChE global member.

For membership in local section and global:

AIChE Global Membership

Option 2: Become a Chicago local section member ONLY (limited to 2 years) without becoming an AIChE global member.
For membership in local section only:

Option 3: If you are NOT currently receiving any email from AIChE Chicago section, use this to add your name to the email list.

Simple form to receive emails from the Chicago section (as a non-member):

Option 4: Use this form, if you ARE already receiving emails from us and want to update your information. To avoid any mistakes, you have to provide your current email address so that we can check your account.  

If you already receive emails (from reservations @, you can update your contact information using this form:

NOTE: If you have "UnSubscribed" from our mailing list and wish to "ReSubscribed", please fill out this form and check "ReSubscribed"