Other Activities | AIChE


Other Activities

Forming a New Division/Forum

Step-by-step guidance on forming a new division or forum.

Guidelines for Establishing a Division

Division Bylaws

Guidelines for Establishing a Forum

Forum Bylaws

Frequently Asked Questions

What Division and Forum activities are geared toward students?

Student oriented activities vary by entity, but some examples include: sponsoring networking events bringing students and professionals together; sponsoring contests and awards for students; and providing seminars and webinars targeting students. Some entities have produced curricular or reference materials of particular value to students and YP鈥檚.

With many student members added to our Division/Forum, what are the best ways to communicate with them?

It's best to try to get feedback on what your membership (including students) wants and to then use that.

Can I send a separate email to just student members of our Division/Forum?

Yes, you can email student members separately.

What are the typical Division/Forum activities that I can get more involved with?

Most Divisions and Forums have programming as a key area of involvement, so you might volunteer to organize or moderate a meeting session. Many are in need of judges for paper or poster competitions, or need to send representatives to Institute-wide events for roles like competition judging (like the Student Poster Competition at the National Student Conference, held at the start of the Annual Meeting).

Is there a way to know some other D/F activities that we can collaborate with?

Other than co-sponsorship, coordinating activities comes down to contacting the relevant chairs of the Division/Forum of interest and engaging in discussions from there.