Financials | AIChE



The divisions and forums are responsible for their own activities, i.e. establishing membership dues, scheduling events, presenting awards etc. and contracting as necessary with suppliers of goods and services in accordance with AIChE鈥檚 system of internal control.

The Division/Forum Financial Manual provides a description of the procedures and policies of management responsibility between AIChE and the volunteer officers of the divisions and forums.

Check Request Form

Petty Cash Reimbursement Form

Frequently Asked Questions

Are there any rules of thumb or requirements for the state of my finances? Can I be negative? How much positive is acceptable?

Divisions/Forums should try to break even and make all attempts to avoid a negative balance. An entities reserve should be consistent with its objectives and current practices. For example, if an entity publishes a journal, there should be an amount kept in reserve sufficient to provide for operating expenses for a time should revenues unexpectedly decline. Long term goals (funding/endowing awards, projects, events, travel support, etc.) also justify maintaining a reserve amount.

What are the best practices for expenses/incomes?

Pending Review

Can I directly get involved with outside AIChE entities for financial transactions?

Pending Review

Can I use personal check/card for transactions?

Please reference the Finance Manual.

Does AIChE require us to keep our receipts for future reference?

Yes, you must keep your receipts as supporting documentation for petty cash reimbursement and reconciliation.

How do I request a check for expense reimbursement?

Please contact the AIChE Membership team at to request a check. Please note that the Division/Forum will have to sign off on the request, as well.

How do I request petty cash?

For the answer to this question, please see the Financial Accounting Manual.

What are the possible investment options for a Division/Forum?

A division or forum may invest in AIChE's investment portfolio or in a one-year certificate of deposit. It may also divide its funds between the two.

Who do I contact if I want to make a change in investment options?

Please contact the staff liaison in the event that you want to change investment options.