Guidelines for Integrating Process Safety into Engineering Projects | AIChE


Guidelines for Integrating Process Safety into Engineering Projects


December, 2018





There is much industry guidance on implementing engineering projects and a similar amount of guidance on Process Safety Management (PSM). However, there is a gap in transferring the key deliverables from the engineering group to the operations group, where PSM is implemented. This book provides the engineering and process safety deliverables for each project phase along with the impacts to the project budget, timeline and the safety and operability of the delivered equipment.

Please use the password provided in the book to open the download file accompanying the book, the following contents are included in the download file: 

Typical Process Safety Studies Over Project Life Cycle

Project Process Safety Plan

Typical Hazard & Risk Register

Safety Checklist for Process Plants

Example of Site-Specific Decommissioning Checklist / Questionnaire

Typical Project Documentation

Stage Gate Review Protocol for Process Safety

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