**Program is subject to change. Last updated 7/16.**
Monday, July 19 | ||
Start Time | End Time | |
9:55 AM | 10:00 AM | Welcome Remarks |
10:00 AM | 10:40 AM | Keynote Speaker: Design for Inference in Biology: The power of random experiments Aviv Regev, Genentech |
10:40 AM | 10:50 AM | Stretch Break |
10:50 AM | 12:35 PM | Session 1: Sensors and Multi-input Logic Session Chair: Xiaojing Gao, Stanford University |
10:50 AM | 11:15 AM | Invited Speaker: Velia Siciliano, Italian Institute of Technology-IIT |
11:15 AM | 11:40 AM | Invited Speaker: Feedback Responsive Cell Factories for Biomanufacturing Laura Segatori, Rice University |
11:40 AM | 12:05 PM | Invited Speaker: Polymeric Encapsulation of Bacterial Biosensors Enables Co-culture with Mammalian Cells Karen Polizzi, Imperial College London |
12:05 PM | 12:20 PM | Mapping Cellular Interactions between Cancer and Normal Cells Via Synthetic Notch Ligand/Receptor Pair Baris Avsaroglu, UCSF |
12:20 PM | 12:35 PM | Temperature-Responsive Optogenetic Probes of Cell Signaling Lukasz Bugaj, University of Pennsylvania |
12:35 PM | 1:25 PM | Poster Session |
1:25 PM | 1:35 PM | Stretch Break |
1:35 PM | 3:20 PM | Session 2: Foundational Advances Session Chair: Velia Siciliano, Italian Institute of Technology-IIT |
1:35 PM | 2:00 PM | Invited Speaker: Engineering multiple levels of specificity in an RNA viral vector Xiaojing Gao, Stanford University |
2:00 PM | 2:25 PM | Invited Speaker: Physical Unclonable Functions in Human Cells Leo Bleris, University of Texas at Dallas |
2:25 PM | 2:50 PM | Invited Speaker: High-throughput discovery and characterization of compact transcriptional effectors Lacra Bintu, Stanford University |
2:50 PM | 3:05 PM | Engineered Cells That Record Their Own History Theresa Loveless, UC Irvine |
3:05 PM | 3:20 PM | Spatiotemporally Confined Red Light-Controlled Gene Delivery at Single-Cell Resolution Using Adeno-Associated Viral Vectors Maximilian H枚rner, University of Freiburg |
Tuesday, July 20 | ||
Start Time | End Time | |
10:00 AM | 12:10 PM | Session 3: Applications in Stem Cells Session Chair: Ahmad (Mo) Khalil, Boston University |
10:00 AM | 10:25 AM | Invited Speaker: Tara Deans, University of Utah |
10:25 AM | 10:50 AM | Invited Speaker: Leonardo Morsut, University of Southern California |
10:50 AM | 11:15 AM | Invited Speaker: Engineering Cell Fate via Cellular Reprogramming Katie Galloway, Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
11:15 AM | 11:40 AM | Invited Speaker: Ron Weiss, Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
11:40 AM | 11:55 AM | Spatially Controlled Tissue Differentiation Using the Synthetic Receptor Synnotch Mher Garibyan, University of Southern California |
11:55 AM | 12:10 PM | Taking Control of Stem Cell Dynamics Lucia Marucci, University of Bristol |
12:10 PM | 12:20 PM | Stretch Break |
12:20 PM | 1:00 PM | Keynote Speaker: Jennifer Cochran, Stanford University |
1:00 PM | 2:00 PM | Poster Session |
2:00 PM | 3:00 PM | Industry Panel Moderator: Wilson Wong, Boston University |
2:00 PM | 2:10 PM | Tasuku Kitada, Strand Therapeutics |
2:10 PM | 2:20 PM | Aaron Cooper, ArsenalBio |
2:20 PM | 2:30 PM | Marc Hild, Novartis |
2:30 PM | 2:40 PM | Lex Rovner, 64x Bio |
2:40 PM | 3:00 PM | Panel Discussion |
3:00 PM | 4:00 PM | Sponsored Networking Session |
Wednesday, July 21 | ||
Start Time | End Time | |
10:00 AM | 10:40 AM | Keynote Speaker: Learning to Program Cellular Machines: Engineering Cells to Treat Disease, Build Tissues, and Elucidate Design Principles Wendell Lim, University of California, San Francisco |
10:40 AM | 10:50 AM | Stretch Break |
10:50 AM | 1:00 PM | Session 4: Immunotherapy and Cell Therapy Session Chair: Tara Deans, University of Utah |
10:50 AM | 11:15 AM | Invited Speaker: Josh Leonard, Northwestern University |
11:15 AM | 11:40 AM | Invited Speaker: Clinically-Driven Design of Synthetic Gene Regulatory Programs in Therapeutic Human Cells Ahmad (Mo) Khalil, Boston University |
11:40 AM | 12:05 PM | Invited Speaker: Engineering Next-Generation T Cells for Cancer Immunotherapy Yvonne Chen, University of California, Los Angeles |
12:05 PM | 12:30 PM | Invited Speaker: Engineering CAR Circuits Wilson Wong, Boston University |
12:30 PM | 12:45 PM | A High-Throughput Exploration of the CAR-T Signaling Landscape Identifies Novel Domains for Next-Generation Immunotherapies Daniel Goodman, University of California, San Fransisco |
12:45 PM | 1:00 PM | Directing Cellular Interactions and Organization with Synthetic Adhesion Receptors Adam Stevens, University of California-San Francisco |
1:00 PM | 1:10 PM | Stretch Break |
1:10 PM | 1:40 PM | Silencing Panel Moderator: Leonardo Morsut |
Karmella Haynes, Emory University | ||
Katie Galloway, Massachusetts Institute of Technology | ||
Tara Deans, University of Utah | ||
Mo Khalil, Boston University | ||
Ron Weiss, Massachusetts Institute of Technology | ||
1:40 PM | 1:45 PM | Stretch Break |
1:45 PM | 3:05 PM | Session 5: Gene Regulation Session Chair: Josh Leonard, Northwestern University |
1:45 PM | 2:10 PM | Invited Speaker: Susan Rosser, University of Edinburgh |
2:10 PM | 2:35 PM | Invited Speaker: Samira Kiani, University of Pittsburgh |
2:35 PM | 2:50 PM | Synthetic Multistability in Mammalian Cells Ronghui Zhu, California Institute of Technology |
2:50 PM | 3:05 PM | Shield: A Platform for Fast and Simple Screening of Anti-Silencing DNA Elements in Human Cells Meng Zhang, University of Illinois At Urbana-Champaign |
3:05 PM | 3:10 PM | Closing Remarks |