Efficiency of Biomass Energy: An Exergy Approach to Biofuels, Power, and Biorefineries | AIChE


Efficiency of Biomass Energy: An Exergy Approach to Biofuels, Power, and Biorefineries


June, 2016





This book provides a systematic and comprehensive overview of energy and exergy efficiencies, together with environmental and economic aspects of biomass energy systems. The author emphasizes how to apply the modern exergy approach to the design and improvement of bioenergy systems. Each chapter includes historical developments, chemistry, major technologies and applications, as well as energy, environmental and economic aspects, serving as an introduction to bioenergy for students and professionals.


Krzysztof J. Ptasinski

Krzysztof J. Ptasinski has more than 40 years of experience in academic teaching and research in chemical engineering and energy technology. He has held appointments at Eindhoven University of Technology, the University of Twente, the Warsaw University of Technology, as well as a visiting professorship at the Silesian University of Technology. His has conducted pioneering research on the application of exergy analysis to biomass and bioenergy. He is the author or co-author of more than 200 publications, including 19 book chapters and 75 research papers. He is subject editor for biomass and...Read more

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