Sustainable Packaging Symposium 2020 | AIChE


The 2020 Sustainable Packaging Symposium will focus on how to move the world to a point where packaging is sourced responsibly, designed to be effective & safe throughout its life cycle, is recycled or reused, and has a minimal impact on the environment, ecology, and health of the public. The symposium will also focus on novel products and innovation in the packaging industry, and the development of a circular economy for packaging waste.

Conference Topics

Existing and emerging monitoring, metrics, methods, and standards to support essential key performance indicators in sustainable packaging and drive the system to greater sustainability while maintaining essential functionality. Subtopics include quantifying waste impact and real world monitoring, packaging impacts from standards such as ISO, emerging sector specific standards, and more.

New and interesting projects and programs that drive towards a circular economy for packaging by fostering methods that allow packaging material to be reused, recycled, and/or re-purposed, so that the packaging industry can move closer towards a closed loop system.

Important public health implications from protection of human health from pathogens (e.g. COVID-19) to chemicals in packaging that may have detrimental health impacts (e.g. PFAS).  Topics are invited in areas relevant to understanding and evaluating health impacts related to packaging types, design or use.

The advancement in novel food packaging technologies and design to meet the needs of today and the future. Suggested focus can involve topics to endure global fresh food packaging encompassing  high barrier for extended shelf life, retardation in oxidation, prevention of microbial attack to endure global fresh food packaging.

Innovators in the packaging space are invited to share one exciting story with the audience in this industrial showcase session. Suggested focus on novel design for sustainability.

Featured Speakers


The proceedings of 2020 Sustainable Packaging Symposium are now available

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