Conference Program | AIChE


Conference Program

SPS' 18 Conference Program ...

SPS' 18 Conference Program

View Detailed Program and Abstracts

Wednesday, December 05, 2018

7:00 AM

8:45 AM


8:45 AM

9:15 AM

Opening Ceremony

Serpil Guran, Rutgers University, Conference Chair

Upendra J. Chivukula, Commissioner to the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities

9:15 AM

10:00 AM

Douglas  Elliott, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Plenary Talk: Hydrothermal Liquefaction as a Means for Resource Recovery from Wet Waste

10:00 AM

10:20 AM

Coffee Break

10:20 AM

12:20 PM

Session 1: Waste and Thermochemical Conversion

Session Chair: Shishir Chundawat, Rutgers University

10:20 AM

10:50 AM

Thomas Trabold, Rochester Institute of Technology

Thermochemical Conversion As a Sustainable Food Waste Management Strategy

10:50 AM

11:10 AM

Debra Darby, Organix Solutions

Layered Approach for Recycling Organics and Managing Solid Waste to Highest and Best Use

11:10 AM

11:30 AM

Kyoung Ro, United States Department of Agriculture

Removing Odorous Volatile Organic Compounds Emitted from Swine Manure Using Biochar

11:30 AM

11:50 AM

Devinder Mahajan, Stony Brook University

Gasification of Blended Animal Manures and Use of Chars for Hydrogen Sulfide Removal

11:50 AM

12:10 PM

Fuat Celik, Rutgers University

Photocatalytic Methane Steam Reforming to Valorize Point-Source Methane

12:10 PM

12:20 PM


12:20 PM

1:30 PM


1:30 PM

3:30 PM

Session 2: Waste and Circular Economy

Session Chair: Serpil Guran, Rutgers University

1:30 PM

2:00 PM

Jeffrey  Seay, University of Kentucky

Applying Circular Economy Principles to Plastic Waste Management Strategies for the Developing World

2:00 PM

2:20 PM

Francesco Di Maria, University of Perugia

Boosting Plastic and Packaging Recycling By Advanced Mechanical Treatment of Residual Waste

2:20 PM

2:40 PM

Uta Krogmann, Rutgers University

Engineering for Sustainable Communities: Waste Management in Infrastructure Projects

2:40 PM

3:00 PM

Jeremy Taylor, Villanova University

Analysis of a Circular Economy: From Food Waste to Foods

3:00 PM

3:20 PM

Xiao Li, Yale University

A Downscaled Estimate of County-Level Non-Hazardous Industrial Waste Generation and Potential Reuse in the U.S

3:20 PM

3:30 PM


3:30 PM

4:00 PM

Coffee Break

4:00 PM

4:30 PM

Rapid Fire Session

4:30 PM

5:30 PM

Poster Session and Opening Reception


Thursday, December 06, 2018

7:30 AM

8:30 AM


8:15 AM

8:30 AM


8:30 AM

9:15 AM

Freya Burton, LanzaTech

Plenary Talk: No Carbon Left Behind

9:15 AM

10:25 AM

Session 3: Can Waste Serve as a Feedstock or an Intermediary for The 91˶Ƶ Industry?

Session Chair: Thomas Trabold, Rochester Institute of Technology

9:15 AM

9:35 AM

Akihiro Yamasaki, Seikei University

Formation of Ettringite from Waste Concrete and Its Application to Water Treatment

9:35 AM

9:55 AM

Wakuna Galega, Stanford University

Elucidating the Role of CO2 in Type II Methanotrophic Growth & Polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) Synthesis

9:55 AM

10:15 AM

Koichi Kanaoka, Yale University

Global Survey of Inter-Firm Waste Reuse in Industrial Clusters

10:15 AM

10:25 AM


10:25 AM

10:45 AM

Coffee Break

10:45 AM

12:25 PM

Session 4: Urban Waste

Session Chair: Uta Krogmann, Rutgers University

10:45 AM

11:15 AM

Tobiah Horton, Rutgers University and Cooperative Extension

Upcycling Deconstructed Concrete in Landscape Architectural Projects

11:15 AM

11:35 AM

Ronald Mersky, Widener University

Influencing Factors for Construction and Demolition Waste Reduction at United States Higher Education Campuses

11:35 AM

11:55 AM

Matthew Gordon, Yale University

Industrial Symbiosis Potential and Urban Infrastructure Capacity in Mysore, India

11:55 AM

12:15 PM

Joanne Rodriguez, GreenStructure, Ltd.

Bioremediation of Roofing Waste: Mycocycle

12:15 PM

12:25 PM


12:25 PM

1:30 PM


1:30 PM

3:30 PM

Session 5: Plastics

Session Chair: Joseph Jankowski, Braskem

1:30 PM

2:00 PM

Tom Szaky, TerraCycle

Eliminating the Idea of Waste

2:00 PM

2:20 PM

Swati Hegde, Rochester Institute of Technology

Anaerobic Digestion of Bioplastic Packaging Materials

2:20 PM

2:40 PM

Chandni Joshi, University of Kentucky

A Process for Converting Waste Plastic to Fuel Suitable for Developing Countries

2:40 PM

3:00 PM

Beth Ravit, Rutgers University


3:00 PM

3:20 PM

Keith Cooper, Rutgers University


3:20 PM

3:30 PM


3:30 PM

3:50 PM

Coffee Break

3:50 PM

5:10 PM

Session 6: Waste Processing

Session Chair: Debra Darby, Organix Solutions

3:50 PM

4:20 PM

Lise Laurin, EarthShift Global

Benefits of Waste Valorization in the Developing World

4:20 PM

4:40 PM

Vicki Thompson, Idaho National Laboratory

Assessment of Waste Materials for Valorization into Biofuels

4:40 PM

5:00 PM

Miyuki Noguchi, Seikei University

Degradation of Polymeric Materials and Risk Assessment of Recycling Processes

5:00 PM

5:20 PM

Shishir Chundawat, Rutgers University

Biorefining Strategies for Converting Waste Biomass into Fermentable Sugars

5:20 PM

5:30 PM



Friday, December 07, 2018

8:15 AM

8:30 AM

Coffee Break

8:30 AM

10:00 AM

Session 7: Food Waste

Session Chair: Richard McArdle, Rutgers University

8:30 AM

8:50 AM

Nolan Lewin, Rutgers University

Re-purposing waste in the food industry: Challenges & Opportunities

8:50 AM

9:10 AM

Sara Elnakib, Rutgers Cooperative Extension

School Food Waste: Reducing It at the Source

9:10 AM

9:30 AM

Vega Bisaria

Food Waste - Closed Loop Recycling

9:30 AM

9:50 AM

Bo Yuan, Rutgers University

Phytochemical Characterization of Solanum Scabrum Berries for Agricultural Waste Rediscovery in Sub-Saharan Africa

9:50 AM

10:00 AM


10:00 AM

10:20 AM

Coffee Break

10:20 AM

12:10 PM

Session 8: Waste Water

Session Chair: Ram Nagarajan, University of Massachusetts, Lowell

10:20 AM

10:50 AM

Sarah Wolfson, Albert Einstein College of Medicine

Anaerobic Wastewater and Environmental Microbial Communities Readily Demethylate Methoxy Aromatic PPCPs

10:50 AM

11:10 AM

Sean Burnham and Kirti  Yenkie, Rowan University

Design and Optimization for Generation of Efficient Wastewater Treatment Networks

11:10 AM

11:30 AM

Amanda Christon and Julia Reilly, Rowan University

Framework for Solvent Recovery, Reuse and Recycling in Industries

11:30 AM

11:50 AM

Ozgul Calicioglu, Pennsylvania State University

Enhancing Carboxylic Acid Yields from Duckweed By Acidogenic Digestion

11:50 AM

12:00 PM


12:00 PM

12:15 PM

Closing Remarks

1:00 PM

3:00 PM

RAPID Session: Modular Waste Valorization

RAPID Session: Modular Waste Valorization

Friday, Dec. 7th, 1pm–3pm (open to all attendees of SPS '18)

RAPID will hold a problem-discovery brainstorming session at the end of the SPS '18 — Innovations in Transforming Waste to Value-Added Products conference to identify the potential role of MCPI in waste valorization. The workshop will convene scientists, engineers, and other stakeholders to identify the challenges in deploying modular decentralized equipment for waste valorization. During the event, RAPID CTO Jim Bielenberg will present an overview of the RAPID manufacturing institute and the institute’s roadmap, highlighting the gaps identified in deploying modular equipment in the chemical processing industries. This will be followed by small group breakouts. There will be plenty of time to ask questions about RAPID and to provide your perspective on where MCPI could have significant impact.

Poster Presentations

Poster #

Abstract Title



Removal of Cr (VI) in Solution Using Agroindustrial Residues of Yam (Dioscorea rotundata)

Keily Peña Romero, Universidad de Cartagena, Colombia


Studying the Effect of CBM Supercharging on Endo-Exo Cellulase Synergism

Alina Thokkadam and Navya Vankayalapati, Rutgers University, USA


Effective Design of Wastewater Treatment Systems Under Regional Limitations and Influences

Amanda McCahill, Gabrielle Moskalow, Rohan Zia and Zachary Lubelski, Rowan University, USA


An Assessment of the Methods Involved in Deinking and Plasticizing Waste Newspapers

Amardeep Singh, BITS Dubai, United Arab Emirates


Electrochemical Oxidation of Model Wastewater Contaminant Using Boron Doped Diamond Electrodes

Zachary Weintraut, Rowan University, USA


Nickel (II) Removal from Aqueous Solution Using Yam Peel (Dioscorea rotundata) As BIO-Adsorbent Applied to a Fixed BED System

Keily Peña Romero and Ciro Botello Urbiñez, Universidad de Cartagena, Colombia


Use of Vegetal Residues in Treatment of Water Polluted with Heavy Metal

Ciro Botello Urbiñez, Universidad de Cartagena, Colombia


Temperature, pH and Particle Size Effect in the Thermodynamic of Biosorption of Mercury in Waste Water

Keily Peña Romero, Universidad de Cartagena, Colombia


Use of Corn Waste for Gray Water Treatment in Batch and Continuous Systems

Ciro Botello Urbiñez, Universidad de Cartagena, Colombia


Assessment of FOOD Waste Generation: Supporting Circular Carbon Economy Development through Anaerobic Digestion of Food Waste

Maxwell Melnick, Rutgers EcoComplex, USA