Becoming a member gives you access to the DIPPR® 801 Database, contains recommendation values and estimates of accuracy for 34 constant properties and 15 temperature-dependent properties for compounds.
- Leverage scarce resources through membership in a pre-competitive research consortium
- Exclusive use of new critically evaluated DIPPR property data added to the 801 Database
- Benchmark practices and network with industry experts dealing with thermo-physical and EH&S data needs
But wait, there are more benefits
- Member dues support continued research
- Sponsor representatives participate in the Project 801 Steering Committee guides the overall direction of the project
- Members may submit a list of compounds of interest to their organization for inclusion in the 801 Database
- Access to experimental excellence in thermo-physical property measurement
Member Benefit Details
- Leverage scarce resources through membership in a pre-competitive research consortium. Our consortium is supported by a wide range of entities and has become recognized as the world leader in the evaluation and measurement of thermophysical properties for compounds of importance to a broad spectrum of the chemical processing industries. Our twice yearly deliverable has:
- The critical evaluation of the thermophysical property data using the DIPPR Methodology ensures each property value is accurate and current
- a complete data set of property data for each compound
- extensive metadata provides crucial insights into each property data’s potential uncertainties
- Exclusive use of new critically evaluated DIPPR property data added to the DIPPR Member 801 Database until the data is released to the public domain five years, or more, later via the DIPPR 801 Licensed Database
- Member dues are further leveraged because net revenues from the distribution of the 801 Licensed Database are used exclusively to support the research consortium’s annual budget
- The user friendly front-end for the 801 Database, DIADEM, is available in a Member version and has significantly enhanced functionality, as requested by members, over the version offered for use with the 801 Licensed Database
- Each year members may submit a list of compounds of interest to their organization for inclusion in the 801 Database using a confidential procedure developed to ensure that other members remain “blind” to which Member submitted each compound selected for study
- Benchmark practices and network with industry experts dealing with thermo-physical and EH&S data needs
- Access to experimental excellence in thermo-physical property measurement
- Sponsor representatives participate in the Project 801 Steering Committee guides the overall direction of the project. Working with this group provides valuable benefits:
- Participate in the election the chemicals, properties, and correlations that are included in the Database and suggest improvements for the DIADEM front-end
- Contact with physical property data experts from other leading international companies as well as the Project Investigators and other members of the project staff
- Unique opportunity to develop an in-depth understanding of the science of data collection and evaluation embodied in the DIPPR Methodology