The Combination of Data-Driven and Physics-Based Modeling with Application in Protein Formulations. | AIChE


The Combination of Data-Driven and Physics-Based Modeling with Application in Protein Formulations.


Conference Presentation

Conference Type

AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety

Presentation Date

April 12, 2022


30 minutes

Skill Level




With the advent of the data revolution, new avenues open up to integrate data-driven and physics-based modeling. We discuss the application of such integration to protein formulations. One finds protein formulations in many industries: personal care, food, and drug discovery and development. It is estimated that currently, 20% of all new drug discovery is in biologicals. In all these systems, in one way or the other, the protein solution will go through a phase where the formulation is susceptible to instabilities, for example, when the concentration is relatively high or because of changing solvent conditions. Instabilities manifest themselves as aggregation, denaturation, or a combination thereof.

Until recently, a formulation scientist could do not much more than relying on experimental trial and error, perhaps assisted by robotic-assisted screening or ancient wisdom.

With a phenomenal technological advancement in AI-driven protein structure prediction by Google’s Deepmind (1,2) and similar academic AI initiatives (3), we now suddenly have the possibility to generate structures on a (multiple-)proteome-wide scale. Perhaps only a few of those structures will be of atomic accuracy; that is the resolution one needs for small molecules drug discovery. But for many a formulation challenge, one does not need atomistic resolution: a relatively rough 3D structure, organized on the level of groups of atoms (‘beads’) could be enough. However, there is one challenge: in the translation of structure to formulation, one needs both atomic positions (albeit rough) and thermodynamics interactions.

It is precisely on the level of overlaying the AI-generated rough structure with coarse-grained (CG) modeling that one can hybridize data-driven and physics-based modeling into a new AI-CG hybrid algorithm. The AI method is determined by statistics, whereas the coarse-grained modeling relies on physics.

We showcase the AI-CG algorithm by a few examples where we take protein structures generated by Deepmind and then coarse-grain the structures with Simcenter Culgi’s Automated Fragmentation and Parameterization method. Once on the coarse-grained level, it is relatively easy to calculate, for example, the second virial coefficient or even to simulate the diffusion of a few coarse-grained protein molecules by Stokesian Particle Dynamics. The hybrid AI-CG algorithm takes only a few minutes, or at most a few hours, to execute on a modest PC., so still of sufficient efficiency for screening purposes.

  1. Jumper, J. et al.Nature (2021).
  2. Tunyasuvunakool, K. et al.Nature (2021).
  3. Baek, M. et al. Science, 10.1126/science.abj8754 (2021)


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