Technical Program | AIChE


Technical Program



Day 1
Start Time End Time  
12:00 PM 12:10 PM Welcome Remarks by Keisha Wilson McDowell
12:10 PM 12:55 PM Keynote Speaker: Kari Armbruster, Kroger
12:55 PM 1:05 PM Coffee Break
1:05 PM 2:35 PM Session 1: Protein & Nutrition Engineering Chaired by Keisha Wilson McDowell
1:05 PM 1:35 PM Invited Speaker: Kelley Lowe, Abbott R&D
1:35 PM 1:50 PM Superlative Techno-Functional, Antioxidative and Structural Conformational Characteristics Exhibited By Apostichopus Japonicus viscera over Its Whole Body, and Body Wall, Janet Quaisie (Jiangsu University)
1:50 PM 2:05 PM Using Molecular Modeling to Accelerate Plant-Based Protein Research for Meat Alternatives, Jeffrey Sanders (Schr枚dinger, Inc.)
2:20 PM 3:05 PM Networking Break
3:05 PM 4:05 PM Session 2: Sustainability in the Food Cycle Chaired by Dennis Heldman
3:05 PM 3:35 PM Invited Speaker: Dan Kruzrock, ReGrained
3:35 PM 3:50 PM Seafood via Atmospheric CO2 Utilization, David Judbarovski
3:50 PM 4:05 PM Reproducible Protein Production Via Microbial Community-Based Fermentation of Soybean Processing Wastewaters in Replicate Aerobic/Anaerobic Sequencing Batch Reactors, Ramanujam Srinivasan Vethathirri (Nanyang Technological University)
4:05 PM 4:15 PM Closing Remarks

Day 2
Start Time End Time  
12:00 PM 12:10 PM Welcome and Last Day's Takeaway - Carrie Hartford
12:10 PM 12:45 PM Keynote Speaker: Hongda Chen, USDA
12:45 PM 12:55 PM Coffee Break
12:55 PM 2:40 PM Session 3: Food processing plant improvements - case studies - Chaired by Carrie Hartford
12:55 PM 1:25 PM Invited Speaker: Dan Voit, Blentech
1:25 PM 1:55 PM Invited Speaker: Jeyam Subbiah, University of Arkansas
1:55 PM 2:10 PM Evaluating the Prospects of Cyber-Physical Systems in Kale Production and Processing of Its Derived Products, Sabahat Sakinah (Islamic University of Science and Technology)
2:10 PM 2:25 PM How Can You Utilize the Power of Simulation during Operations in the Food & Beverage Industries?, Ravindra Aglave (Siemens)
2:25 PM 2:40 PM Towards a Physical Science-Based Digital Thread for Design and Operation of Food and Beverage Manufacturing Processes, Sam Wilkinson (Siemens)
2:40 PM 3:10 PM Lunch
3:10 PM 4:40 PM Session 4: Innovative Food Processing Technologies Chaired by Keisha Wilson McDowell
3:10 PM 3:40 PM Invited Speaker: Ron Runnebaum, UC Davis
3:40 PM 3:55 PM Non-Thermal Processes for Making Clean Label Food and Nutraceutical Ingredients from Almond Hull, Roger Ruan Sr (Unversity of Minnesota)
3:55 PM 4:10 PM Microbial Protein Production Via Mixed-Culture Anaerobic/Aerobic Fermentation of Soybean Processing Wastewaters of Variable 91成人短视频 and Microbial Composition, Ramanujam Srinivasan Vethathirri (Nanyang Technological University)
4:10 PM 4:25 PM Generation of Porous Starch Particles Using 3D Food Printing Technology, Safoura Ahmadzadeh (University of Arkansas)
4:25 PM 4:35 PM Coffee Break
4:35 PM 6:05 PM Session 5: Food Safety, Traceability, and transparency Chaired by Dennis Heldman
4:35 PM 5:05 PM Invited Speaker: Tim Birmingham, Almond Board
5:05 PM 5:35 PM Invited Speaker: Haley Oliver
5:35 PM 5:50 PM Blockchain Technology: Application in the FOOD Industry, Chidinma Igbokwe (Jiangsu University)
5:50 PM 6:05 PM Selected Abstract TBD
6:05 PM 6:15 PM Closing Remarks