2021 YPC Subcommittee Position Descriptions | AIChE


2021 YPC Subcommittee Position Descriptions

YP Publications Subcommittee

YP Publications Subcommittee Vice Chair

Responsible for helping the YP Publications Subcommittee Chair with overseeing the preparation of all drafts of YPC publications as required including but not limited to ChEnected Posts, YP Quarterly and Monthly Newsletters, and Social Media. Also responsible for online content management duties including keeping the website and blog up to date. The YP Publications Subcommittee Vice Chair will serve for a one-year term beginning at the 2021 year and will automatically become the Subcommittee Chair in 2022, for a two-year commitment.

Writer Coordinator

This position will review final edits for articles submissions weekly, aide in selecting content for each newsletter, communicate with AIChE staff and YPC Publications Chair regularly. It is also expected that this position will attend Publication Subcommittee and YPC Conference calls.  It is estimated that this position will require 20-25 hours a year.

AIChE Engage YP Contributor

This position is responsible for posting new Young Professional-related discussion topics to AIChE鈥檚 online discussion board, AIChE Engage, on a monthly basis.  Working with the full YP Publications Subcommittee on determining topics, this person would post and respond to discussions.  Must have an up to date AIChE Engage member profile. It is also expected that this position will attend Publication Subcommittee and YPC Conference calls.  It is estimated that this position will require 15-20 hours a year.

Newsletter Coordinator

Seeking two volunteers. These positions are responsible for offering input on newsletter material including professional development or technical topics along with generating original ideas. With support from the full YP Publications Subcommittee, one volunteer would focus efforts on generating content for a larger, quarterly newsletter, while the second would focus on generating content for a shorter, monthly newsletter. This position will also be expected to attend the Publications Subcommittee conference calls as well as the YPC General Meeting Conference Calls. It is estimated that this position will require 20-25 hours a year.

YP Retention and Recruitment (R&R) Subcommittee

Virtual Social Event Coordinator

Seeking 3 volunteers to help coordinate one Young Professionals-focused virtual social/networking event each for a total of 3 YPC virtual events.  Each event would have a theme or topic, and be Zoom-based (or other similar virtual platform).  With the support of the full R&R Subcommittee and AIChE staff, the coordinator of each event would be responsible for planning the event, developing any slides or ice breaker activities, recruiting speakers (if needed), and helping to facilitate the event the day of. They are expected to participate in YPC Recruitment &Retention (R&R) Subcommittee and YPC meetings.  It is expected that this position will require approximately 15-20 hours per year.

YP Career Benefits Advisor

This position will help YPC brainstorm and recommend new offerings for AIChE鈥檚 career services.  This volunteer would be a go-to person for their input and ideas surrounding these services and how AIChE YP members might benefit from them.  With support from the full R&R subcommittee, this person would compile new ideas for career benefits and make suggestions on current career benefits. They are expected to participate in YPC Recruitment &Retention (R&R) Subcommittee and YPC meetings.  It is expected that this position will require approximately 10-15 hours per year.

Global Student Video Coordinators (2021)

Seeking two coordinators. This position is a 2-year commitment for organizing and facilitating the Undergraduate Global Student Video Competition. Responsibilities include finalizing the topic & subtopics, ensuring grant requests for funding are submitted, creation of materials needed to announce competition topics, and coordinating all volunteers & judges.   This position will support the completion of the 2021 competition while preparing for the 2022 competition and learning from the previous competition coordinator.   They are expected to participate in YPC Recruitment &Retention (R&R) Subcommittee and YPC meetings.   The time commitment expectation is approximately 60 hours over the course of this two-year position.

2021 Undergraduate Student Conference Coordinator

This position is responsible for developing presentation material and maintain a past presentation database for presentations done at the Annual Student Conference.  Working with YPC officers, Retention & Recruitment R&R Subcommittee Co-Chairs, and Programming Subcommittee Co-Chairs to identify potential speakers and volunteers for both the Annual Student Conferences & Regional Student Conferences.  Other responsibilities include organizing speakers schedule with AIChE Staff and making sure YP presence is visible at student events throughout the conferences.  This position will coordinate publications about YPC involvement at the conferences, both before and after, and reporting out key learnings to YPC officers and subcommittees.    Ideally the Student Conferences Coordinator for YPC shall attend the Annual Student Conference. It is also expected for this position to participate in YPC R&R Subcommittee and YPC meetings. It is estimated that this position will spend around 25-30 hours on their duties throughout the year. 

YP Welcome Coordinator

This position is responsible for following up with new contacts from AIChE conferences, and for providing information to individuals interested in joining the YPC mailing list and becoming involved in YPC and welcoming new YPC members.  They will work with other subcommittees to better understand what their responsibilities are and act as the bridge between new and potential members and each of the YPC subcommittees. It is expected that this position participates in YPC Recruitment &Retention (R&R) Subcommittee and YPC meetings.  It is estimated that this position will spend 25-30 hours on their roles throughout the year. 

Competition/Award Judge

Seeking several volunteers who are interested in serving as a judge for any of AIChE鈥檚 YP and student competitions and awards.  Volunteers will be added to a pool of judge volunteers, and may be called upon throughout the year to help with judging.  All judges will have to disclose any conflicts of interest and will not be able to judge a competition or award for which they are also a participant.  Examples of awards and competitions could include the Chem-E Car Competition; the Poddar Award for Rising 91成人短视频 Engineers, the Global Undergraduate Student Video Competition, and others.  These volunteers are expected to attend YPC meetings.  It is expected that this position will require 5-10 hours per year.

AIChE Beer Brewing Competition (ABBC) Subcommittee

ABBC Competition Coordinators

Seeking 5+ coordinators for help implement AIChE鈥檚 Beer Brewing Competition, pending we can be in-person for the event. The responsibilities are as follows:

  • Assist with the final development of the AIChE Beer Brewing Competition (ABBC) with the Young Professionals Committee (YPC) Beer Brewing Subcommittee.
  • Assist with general coordination of the competition at the 2021 AIChE Annual Meeting Boston, MA, USA, including:
  • Reviewing and finalizing all competition documentation and communications (rules, shipping instructions, team communications, etc.)
  • Recruiting competition judges
  • Coordinating competition awards
  • Fundraising, with the help of AIChE staff, to find competition sponsors
  • Assisting, in-person, the day of the competition (logistics, volunteer management, awards ceremony, etc.) (optional)
  • Ensuring the competition goes smoothly the day of the competition
  • Other tasks as assigned by competition Chair and Vice-Chair
  • Required to participate in ABBC Subcommittee and YPC meetings.
  • Once accepted in this role as co-coordinator, specific duties will be assigned.
  • Expectation is this opportunity will take 20-30 hours of time over 2021

YP Conference Programming Subcommittee

2021 AIChE Annual Meeting YPC Social Coordinator

This position will help AIChE staff find neat locations for our annual YPC Social and the 2021 AIChE Annual Meeting, and organize ice breakers at the socials. It is expected that this position would participate in Programming Subcommittee and YPC General meeting calls. It is estimated that this role will take a 10-15 hour commitment per year.

YP Liaisons Subcommittee

Subcommittee Member

Seeking a number of volunteers for this role.  This position will act as a liaison between the Young Professionals Committee (YPC) and other entities such as AIChE committees, divisions, and forums. These subcommittee members would attend their entity鈥檚 regular meetings to learn about YP-focused initiatives happening within the entity, and to learn what support the entity may need from YPC.  The subcommittee member would then report back to YPC to ensure clear communication of activities and support needs so that YPC decisions can be made. This position is also expected to participate in YPC鈥檚 Liaison Subcommittee and YPC meetings.  It is estimated to be a 20-25-hour commitment for the year.


AIChE Three Minute Thesis (3MT) Subcommittee

3MT Vice Chair

Responsible for helping the 3MT Chair lead a subcommittee in planning the first AIChE Three Minute Thesis Competition. The 3MT Subcommittee vice chair will be responsible for working with the full subcommittee on the continued development of the competition for young professional graduate students to build their 鈥渆levator pitch鈥 skills in a fun competition setting.  Development work would include completion of competition charter, rules & guidelines, recruiting judges, and helping with logistics. The Chair and Vice Chair will be responsible for working with AIChE staff on an implementation plan for the first 3MT competition.   The 3MT Subcommittee Vice Chair will serve for a one-year term beginning at the 2021 year and will automatically become the 3MT Chair at the beginning of 2022. This position is also expected to participate in YPC and 3MT meetings.  It is estimated to be a 20-25-hour commitment per year, and is a two-year term.

3MT Competition Coordinators

Seeking a number of volunteers for this role.  The responsibilities are as follows:

  • Assisting with the final development of the 3MT Competition with the Young Professionals Committee (YPC) 3MT Subcommittee.
  • Reviewing and finalizing all competition documentation and communications (rules, scoring rubrics, team communications, etc.)
  • Recruiting competition judges
  • Coordinating competition awards
  • Fundraising, with the help of AIChE staff, to find competition sponsors
  • Ensuring the competition goes smoothly the day of the competition
  • Other tasks as assigned by competition Chair and Vice-Chair
  • Required to participate in 3MT Subcommittee and YPC meetings.
  • Once accepted in this role as co-coordinator, specific duties will be assigned.
  • Expectation is this opportunity will take 20-30 hours of time over 2021