Annual Student Conference Coordinator Responsibilities | AIChE


Annual Student Conference Coordinator Responsibilities

Annual Student Conference Coordinator Responsibilities/Timeline:

  1. March: Prior to student regional conferences, come up with a list of possible workshop topics for the student workshops at conference.  Create survey form, asking students to choose their top 3. Send survey form to AIChE Student Program Leads so they can survey students at the Regional Conference President’s Meeting.
  2. May: After receiving survey results, chose the top voted session topics and come up with basic outline for each (main points, panel format/ workshop format, blurb or summary for each.  Be sure to work with AIChE Staff Liaison to determine how many sessions and the time length for each. 
  3. July: Start looking for volunteer speakers for the student workshops.  This can be done via a google doc form which asks for contact information, dates available to volunteer, and some biography information that will help placing YPC volunteers in sessions that they have specific expertise. 
  4. July:  Submit session forms to AIChE which include summaries for each session for the conference program.   Work with the AIChE Staff Liaison to submit this on time. 
  5. August: Finalize which volunteers will be speaking at each session, and identify a “Lead” for each. This person will be in charge of collecting bio slides, putting together final presentation and making sure there is a computer available (PC, not Apple). 
  6. September: Work with the session lead to develop a powerpoint presentation using the AIChE powerpoint slides format.  Have the lead email the team members a bio slide template to keep them uniform and work to distribute who will be responsible for putting together final presentation slides. 
  7. October/November:   Prior to the ASC, make sure each group is ready to go, all presentations are final and bio slides are collected for each speaker. When Conference schedule/ YPC schedule is done, double check with session leads and speakers to make sure they do not have scheduling conflicts or alternate commitments.