Confex Instructions for Chairs | AIChE


Confex Instructions for Chairs

Confex Chair Access & Tools

You should have received an automated email from Confex with your login information if you were added as a chair. Please email if you cannot find this email and we will be able to send you your login information. Once you have logged into Confex, you should see the appropriate group/area/session(s) that you can access.

Please note that if you are listed as multiple levels of chair (i.e. Group and Area Chair) that the accessibility of each landing page is slightly different. In particular, the Area Chair landing page is where co-sponsorship requests are handled and are not generally directly accessible from the Group Chair landing page. Be sure to take this into consideration when accessing Confex.

The following links provide instructions on how to use the Confex system:

Confex Gateway

Login to Gateway

Group Chair

Review & Edit Areas/Area Chairs

Review & Edit Sessions/Session Chairs

Add & Edit Abstract Submissions

Contact Chairs/Authors

Access the General Paper Pool

Area Chair

Review & Edit Area Descriptions

Review & Edit Sessions/Session Chairs

Add & Edit Abstract Submissions

Contact Chairs/Authors

Request & Approve Co-Sponsorships

Session Chair

Review & Edit Session

Add & Edit Abstract Submissions

Contact Authors