Process Safety Spotlights | AIChE


Process Safety Spotlights is a track within the Global Congress for Process Safety that focuses on topical subjects in process safety.  The topics addressed in the Spotlight track should be areas of new development within process safety.  While some of the areas addressed in the track may be classical areas of interest, Spotlight will focus on new advances within those areas.  Given the rich tapestry of topics addressed by the other tracks within the Global Congress for Process Safety, Spotlight will attempt to focus on areas not being emphasized in the other tracks.

Spotlights Chair

Session Topics:

Pressure Relief Design

Although pressure relief design is one of the most classical areas of process safety, recent activity in this sphere has rekindled an interest in the area in the broader process safety community.  Papers that highlight how companies are working on design and communicate best practices in application of Pressure and Vacuum relief design and testing are invited.  Additionally sharing information on testing and kinetic analysis used to support PSV/CMO capability to perform vent sizing.

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Facility Siting Studies 

Facility siting studies can help manage the risks associated with working in hazardous environments and can help prevent or mitigate incidents resulting in Major financial loss, injuries and loss of lives.  If the FSS/QRA’s are our road map on how to prevent hazardous event from occurring then what is the road map?  Papers that highlight the evaluation of Risk and Spacing as it applies to FSS.  Tools and Techniques of FSS (FAA, QRA, Fault Trees, Air Modeling). 

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Facility Security - Panel 

Facility security is an important topic in today’s environment, both domestically and internationally.  This session invites papers focused on all areas of facility security from the implications for green and brown field sites, hardening of existing facilities and operations, tools for threat assessments including chemicals and chemistries that are of particular risk, and the increasingly critical area of cyber security for facilities.

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Instrumented Protective Systems 

Instrumented protective systems have been important in process safety for many years but with the advent of international standards on their design and application, they have reached a new level of maturity within the industry.  Current developments in this area include data collection for validation of calculated reliability, use of instrumented protective systems in lieu of mechanical overpressure protection, and compliance with changing industry standards.  Papers that highlight new developments  in the field of instrumented protective systems including SIS design intersection with IPS and BPSC with interactions with SIS and how to take appropriate credits in PHA/LOPA studies  Risk and facility siting study application (Application of DCS, PLC and SIS) Role of Option B and latest ISC Standard.

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Integration of Human Factors into Risk Assessment 

Human factors is the scientific discipline concerned with the understanding of interactions among humans and other elements of a system, and the profession that applies theory, principles, data and methods to design to optimize human well-being and overall system performance.  This session invites papers to help understand applications of human factors to IPL and integrate into risk assessment methods, such as PHA, LOPA and Fault Tree Analysis

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Augmenting Process Safety Performance through Big Data Digitalization 

Big Data analytics and digitalization effort is growing expeditiously in the industry. This session is intended to seek papers that highlight process safety improvement from such effort. The session will be capturing best practices and case studies from such effort:

  • Case studies/practical examples  highlighting identification of process safety and risks, safety issues and solutions that reduce number and severity of process safety incidents
  • Use of augmented reality highlighting support to plant operators, maintenance workers to avoid human errors and improve process safety performance
  • Use of Big Data Analytics effort to improve process safety  

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Case Histories (GCPS Joint Session)

Reviews of process safety incidents provide valuable learning opportunities.  This session invites papers to help understand the causes and lessons learned from incidents in the industry with an emphasis on events that have helped define and develop the process safety field over the years. 

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