Process Safety Spotlights Track | AIChE


The Spotligt Track aims to communicate technical concepts –   The session chairs are interested in papers and presentations that describe approaches or programs designed to help facilitate the communication of technical engineering concepts and/or EHS related topics to internal and external non-technical stake holders (e.g. management, employees, regulators, education, and or public forms).   

Spotlights Chair

Featured Topics

Joint Session


Process Safety in Crude Oil Transport 

We are seeking papers and presentations that describe industry specific process safety implementation programs and unique challenges.

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Process Safet in Shale 

We are seeking papers and presentations that describe industry specific process safety implementation programs and unique challenges.

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Big Data: Panel and Q&A

We are seeking papers and presentations that describe industry specific process safety implementation programs and unique challenges .

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Process Safety in offshore 

We are seeking papers and presentations that describe industry specific process safety implementation programs and unique challenges.

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Process Safety in: LNG 

We are seeking papers and presentations that describe industry specific process safety implementation programs and unique challenges.

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Case Histories and Lessons Learned 

This is always an important session that reviews significant incidents.  This session invites papers to help understand the causes and lessons learned from significant incidents.

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