The Annual Loss Prevention Symposium (LPS) is one of four parallel symposia that comprise The Global Congress on Process Safety. Organized by Group 11A of the AIChE Safety and Health (S&H) Division, the LPS has been held annually since 1967. The Symposium promotes process safety by providing a forum for practitioners from the chemical industry, allied industries, academia, and government to share technological advances in process safety, explosion prevention, and fire protection as well as to share the lessons learned from incident investigations. The Symposium consists of six sessions, each with at least six 30-minute presentations. Papers are selected by session chairs based on an abstract of 100 to 200 words. The abstract must offer a brief account of the contents, conclusions, and the relevance of its findings. Submitted abstracts must include the author, their affiliation, full address, email, and phone number. Papers must address pertinent process safety issues or useful loss prevention technologies. Where appropriate, illustration of the issue or prevention technology through a case history is encouraged to enhance the paper. The papers will be published in the LPS proceedings.
"Technological advances in process safety, explosion prevention, fire protection, and lessons learned from incident investigations"
LPS Chair
Charlie Soczek,
Featured Topics
- Fires and Explosions
- Reactive 91成人短视频s
- Combustible Dust Hazards
- Facility Siting, Consequence Modeling and QRA
- LPG, LNG, and NGL
- Relief, Emergency Sysstems and Response
- Process Safety in Upstream Operations
Joint Session
Fires and Explosions
The analysis, prevention, protection and mitigation of fire and explosion hazards continue to be important to the loss prevention community. This session invites original papers that identify, characterize, or offer design and operational guidance on fire and explosion hazards.
Reactive 91成人短视频s
The analysis, prevention, protection and mitigation of reactivity hazards continue to be important to the loss prevention community. This session invites original papers that identify, characterize, or offer design and operational guidance on reactivity hazards.
Combustible Dust Hazard
Dust explosions continue to be a too-frequent cause of human injury, facility damage, and business interruption. This session invites original papers describing advances in combustible dust hazards evaluation and control.
Facility Siting, Consequence Modeling and QRA
The application of facility siting principles and computational methods continues to expand into smaller operators, indoor operations and non-petrochemical applications. This session seeks papers describing applications and recent advancements in Consequence Analysis, Facility Siting technology, and Quantative Risk Analysis.
Light hydrocarbon exploration, gas processing, transportation (pipeline, rail, truck, marine.....) and use is more important as the U.S. becomes an increasing producer of these materials. Papers exploring the unique hazards of these materials and related issues of fires and explsions, consequence analysis, facility siting, and risk assessments are invited for this session.
Relief, Emergency Systems and Response
From the point at which a pressure or other process excursion occurs, there may be a number of engineered or administrative mitigation measures that are in place to prevent the outcome or minimize its impact. This session seeks papers describing any of the branches of the outcome event tree.
Process Safety in Upstream Operations
Upstream operations can present hazards that are different, or manifest themselves differently, than events in downstream operations. This session seeks papers discussing the hazards associated with either existing or developing (e.g. fracking) upstream operations.
Case Histories and Lessons Learned
This is always an important session that reviews significant incidents. This session invites papers to help understand the causes and lessons learned from significant incidents.