Process Safety Leadership Forum | AIChE


Process Safety Leadership Forum

As part of this Global Summit, we are also organizing a half-day Leadership forum on Process Safety. Target audience for Process Safety Leadership forum will be top executive and Leaders who influence process safety in companies, government agencies and Academic institutes.

Theme: Process Safety Leadership at Board level- “How I drive Process Safety in my organization”

When and where

The leadership forum will be held on December 16th from 09.00 hrs. to 13.00 hrs., concurrent with the Global Summit on Process Safety.

Who are the participants

The participants in the forum will be the senior-most executive of the organization responsible for implementation/development of Process Safety aspects in the organization and shall be a member of the board or with direct reportage to the board or CEO of the organisation.

How are the participants chosen

Participation will be by invitation only and there will be no fees payable.  We expect to have about 15 participants.  The participants will be from organisations from the Asia-Pacific region

The programme

The purpose of the form is to record the experiences of the industry leaders in implementing process safety. 

Discussion topics

The discussions will focus on the following topics:

·       Challenges faced in the developing a culture of process safety in the organization

·       Success stories from which industry leaders can draw inspiration to implement Process Safety in their respective organizations

·       Pitfalls and lessons learned in the course of implementation of Process Safety

·       Perception on the future of Process Safety in the industry

The Convener

The role of the Convener will be to initiate the proceedings and to explain the purpose of the forum.  

Role of the participants

Each of the participants will make an opening statement sharing with the audience their experiences on implementation of PS in their organizations, highlighting methodology, problems faced, what they were really happy about, etc. After each participant has spoken for about 5 minutes, discussions will be initiated by the facilitators, mainly to encourage the speaker by asking for clarifications.  At all stages, the other participants will be expected to ask for elaborations or challenge the statements made by the speaker.  The entire proceedings will be controlled by the Convener, assisted by the facilitators. 


The role of the facilitators will be to probe the speakers and to assist the Convener to ensure proper conduct of the proceedings. 

Hirak Dutta- Executive Director, OISD

Scott Berger- Executive Director, CCPS

Louisa Nara- Technical Director, CCPS

The audience

This is a closed-door meeting and except for the participants and the conducting officials there will be no general audience as some of the information may be privileged.


During the entire proceedings, the statements made by the speaker/s and the facilitators will be recorded and displayed on the screens after a consensus is reached on the respective item of discussion. 


The recordings will be summed up listing the best in class processes and methods.

Presentation to the main audience and take away

The Convener will present the summation at the plenary session.  The audience will be all the delegates to the Process Safety Summit.  Questions will be invited from the floor and the Convener, with the help of the facilitators and other members of the leadership forum will respond to the queries raised.  The accepted suggestions will be incorporated in the final report, which will be distributed to the delegates as a take away.