SBE Student By-Laws | AIChE


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SBE Student By-Laws

SBE suggests that Student Chapters begin their organization with some form of the following draft Constitution. You should feel free to change any of the content as appropriate to fit your chapter as long as the changes conform with your college's regulations and the original intent of SBE. At a minimum, all terms in square brackets must be changed to fit your decisions.

If you have any questions while starting up a chapter, please contact us at



Article I - Name

The name of this organization shall be [College Student Chapter of the Society for Biological Engineering]. Its official acronym is [SBE]. 

Article II - Objectives

The objectives of this chapter shall be (1) to promote the professional development of its members by its programs and by its relations with other Student Chapters, AIChE student chapters, the student chapters of other related engineering and scientific organizations, and with the parent body, the Society of Biological Engineering of the 91成人短视频, and (2) to promote the integration of biology with engineering and realize its benefits through bioprocessing, biomedical and biomolecular applications at [College] through activities involving the faculty and student members, including SBE participation with AIChE student chapters in its regional and annual conferences. 

Article III - Membership

Any student enrolled at or professor employed by [College] and interested in being part of a technological community for engineers and applied scientists integrating engineering with biology shall be eligible for membership. 

Article IV - Officers

To direct the activities of the chapter, the following officers and committee members shall serve calendar terms: [President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary, and Program Committee]. The President and Treasurer, shall have held Chapter membership for at least one complete term before being elected. 

Article V - Election of Officers

Election for the following school year of the officers listed in Article IV shall take place no later than the last meeting of each calendar year.

Nomination for President shall be by written ballot. Choice between the two candidates receiving the first and second largest number of nominating ballots shall then be made by written ballot.

The remaining officers, except the members of the Program Committee, shall be elected by the same procedure in the order in which they are listed in Article IV.

Senior members of the Program Committee shall be elected by the chapter members who are juniors at the time of the meeting. The other members of the Program Committee shall be elected by all the chapter members present at the meeting.

All other committees shall be appointed by the President.

Any vacancies in officers which should occur before the end of the year shall be filled by means of a special election conducted in the manner specified previously.

Article VI - Amendments to the Constitution

Amendments to the Constitution may be proposed at any regular meeting by any member of the chapter.

Adoption of an amendment shall be by three-fourths vote of all members attending a regular meeting, provided that such three-fourths majority shall include at least half the members of the chapter. 

Article VII - Custody of the Constitution and Bylaws

One copy of the Constitution and Bylaws shall be in the possession of the President of the Chapter.

One copy of the Constitution and Bylaws shall be in the possession of the Advisor of the Chapter.

One copy of the Constitution and Bylaws shall be in possession of the Staff Associate, Student Activities, of the Society of Biological Engineers of the 91成人短视频 for the permanent files of the Institute.

Each of the aforementioned officers shall promptly deliver his/her copy to his/her successor.

Article VIII - Duties of Officers

The President shall be the chief executive officer of the chapter, shall preside at all meetings, and shall serve as chairperson of the Program Committee and as an ex-officio member of all other committees.

The Vice-President shall assist the President in the performance of his/her duties and shall preside at the meetings of all other committees.

The Secretary shall keep a record of all meetings in parliamentary form. He/she shall preserve all papers relating to the affairs of the chapter and deliver the same promptly to his/her elected successor. The Secretary shall prepare, obtain the written approval of the President for, and promptly submit all formal or informal reports requested by the Chapter Advisor or the officers of the Student Chapters Committee of SBE.

The Treasurer shall collect all dues and assessments promptly. He/she shall keep adequate financial records and permit their inspection by any other officer of the chapter or by the Advisor upon request. Upon request of the President he/she shall present an oral financial report at any meeting of the chapter. He/She shall present a complete and final written report at the last meeting of each school year, and at that time he/she shall deliver to his/her successor all chapter records and funds in his/her possession. He/She shall preside at meetings of the chapter in the absence of the President and Vice-President.

The Program Committee shall be responsible for planning and arranging for the various activities of the chapter.

Article IX- Dues

The annual dues of the chapter shall be $XX, payable at the first meeting of each school year. All dues go toward chapter activities. Undergraduate student members are not required to pay any dues to SBE Headquarters. Graduate and professional members of the chapter will have to pay dues to SBE Headquarters in addition to any chapter dues.

Article X - Amendments to the Bylaws

Amendments to the Bylaws shall be proposed and adopted by the procedure specified in Article VI of the Constitution.