Workshop: Tools for Commercial Bioprocess Design and Economic Analysis | AIChE


The purpose of this workshop is to share strategies and tools for commercial bioprocess design and economic analysis.  Sef Heijnen will describe, with modest information, how to visualize the outcome – a full scale fermentation process – and the fundamental importance of doing so before a research program is started in order to deliver production microbes that scale successfully.  Jeff Lievense and Alex Patist will provide a set of tools for deriving full scale plant capital and production costs given basic information on the product, biochemical stoichiometries, feedstocks, product recovery approach, plant size and location.  A quantitative dashboard will be introduced as a means of tracking process development progress and its competitiveness.  Three case studies will be presented during the workshop.

8:00-11:00 AM Workshop- Tools for Commercial Bioprocess Design and Economic Analysis
8:00-8:05 AM Introduction- Jeff Lievense, Genomatica
8:05-8:40 AM Reverse the Direction in Bioprocess Development: From Full Scale to Synthetic Biology- Sef Heijnen, TU Delft
8:40-9:40 AM Economic Analysis of Fermentation Processes (Feedstock, Capital, Production Costs) - Jeff Lievense and Alex Patist, Genomatica
9:40-9:50 AM Break
9:50-10:10 AM Engineering Cost Model - Alex Patist
10:10-10:40 AM Case Studies (3-hydroxypropionic acid, undecanoic acid) - Jeff Lievense and Alex Patist
10:40-10:55 AM                  Process Omics: 91˶Ƶ Advantage Dashboard - Jeff Lievense
10:55-11:00 AM Closing Remarks - Alex Patist