New Enabling Condition And Conditional Modifiers Submission | AIChE


New Enabling Condition And Conditional Modifiers Submission

When completing the form add as much detail as possible and use the Guidelines for Enabling Conditions and Conditional Modifiers in Layer or protection Analysis descriptions in the book: 

Conditional modifier description to include a detailed description (failure modes and failure rates) and consequences caused. Review Guidelines for Enabling Conditions and Conditional Modifiers in Layer or protection Analysis. Note Conditional modifiers are not response actions but relate to the condition that the facility is likely to be in at that particular point or period of time in an incident sequence.
Description of the Independence of the severity estimate (page 38 of Conditional Modifiers book)
Description of the independence of all other factors of the scenario (page 39 of the Conditional Modifiers book). This should include the modifier recommendation.
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