To operate safely, a chemical processing facility must contain and control hazardous materials and energies throughout the entire lifetime of the facility. The failure of containment or control systems can lead to loss events such as fires, explosions, and toxic releases. These facilities involve many assets including vessels, piping systems, controls, safety systems, utilities, structures, and other elements. These assets must not only be properly designed and installed but also inspected, tested, and maintained to prevent failures. Students will come away from this course knowing what it takes to manage asset integrity at a processing facility.
Unit /ili/academy/courses/ela998/sacher-rbps-manage-risk-asset-integrity/1: Asset Integrity
Unit 2: Build Asset Integrity into the Process Design
Unit 3: Maintain the Integrity of Assets
Unit 4: Manage Deficiencies and Failures
This course is for upper-level chemical engineering undergraduates who have had some exposure to process safety. This course is also suitable for young professionals and for engineers who are transitioning to process safety engineering or process safety management system assignments.
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