SAChE® – Risk Based Process Safety - Manage Risk: Training and Procedures | AIChE


SAChE® – Risk Based Process Safety - Manage Risk: Training and Procedures

91³ÉÈ˶ÌÊÓƵ processes are prevalent in colleges, universities, research and design as well as industry. These process are instrumental to learning, and advancing our way of life. At the same time these processes present hazards that may result in serious injury or loss of life. Operating Procedures and Training are Risk Based Process Safety Elements are used as measures to prevent hazardous events from occurring and/or mitigate the impact of these events.

Learn more about the SAChE Certificate Program

Unit /ili/academy/courses/ela996/sacher-risk-based-process-safety-manage-risk-training-and-procedures/1:

  • Demonstrate the difference between Process Safety Management and Risk Based Process Safety.
  • Demonstrate the difference between Process Safety Management and Risk Based Process Safety.
  • Demonstrate when operating procedures are needed and how they are used.
  • Demonstrate how human performance influences the content of operating procedures.
  • Demonstrate methods to sustain operating procedure.
  • Demonstrate the knowledge of the different types of operating modes.
  • Demonstrate the importance of the safe operating envelope and consequences of deviation.
  • Demonstrate the difference between safe work practice and operating procedures.

Unit 2:

  • Demonstrate why collaboration and inclusion is necessary.
  • Demonstrate how content may impact an operating procedure.
  • Demonstrate why consistency in format improves performance.
  • Demonstrate the differentiate between a balanced procedure and one that is too extensive.
  • Demonstrate how icons, checklist and picture improve operating procedures.
  • Demonstrate the knowledge of the different methods to manage and sustain operating procedures.
  • Demonstrate the purpose of the continuous  improvement model for operating procedures.

Unit 3:

  • Demonstrate an awareness of hierarchy of control and understand what type of control is provided by operating procedures.
  • Demonstrate how training relates to other RBPS Elements.
  • Know the key principles when determining training needs (deliverables).
    • Maintain a dependable practice.
    • Identify what training is needed.
    • Provide effective training.
    • Monitor trainee performance.
  • Understand the type, level, and recipient of training required for each of the various tasks.
    • Initial, refresher, awareness, on-the-job-training  (OJT),  performance/demonstration, etc.
    • New hire, apprentice, journeyman, etc.
    • Operations, maintenance, laboratory, and supervision.
    • Timing of training (use it or lose it).
  • Understand the development and implementation of the training.
    • Development of the training (in-house, professional, vendor, original equipment manufacturer, architect/engineer).
    • Delivery of training (who, when, instructor led, computer based)
    • Testing for knowledge (written, oral, demonstration, scored, attendance only).
    • Training is conducted before process is installed.

Unit 4:

  • Demonstrate an awareness of how the elements of RBPS impact training.
  • Demonstrate what vertical integration is and how training supports vertical integration.
  • Understand the importance of how training and operating procedures are harmonized with each other.
  • illustrates different methods to sustain a training program such as;
    • Periodic review
    • Continuous improvement
    • Needs assessment
    • Organizational change
    • Staying abreast of technology

Faculty and staff who oversee undergraduate and graduate laboratory operations. Undergraduate and graduate students that are conducting laboratory experiments in which they develop their experimental methods. Engineering professionals in early career development who are working with chemical processes.

  • Unit /ili/academy/courses/ela996/sacher-risk-based-process-safety-manage-risk-training-and-procedures/1: Operating Procedures – What and Why
  • Unit 2: Operating Procedures - Development and Sustainability
  • Unit 3: Training –What and Why
  • Unit 4: Training - Integration and Sustainability

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  • Course ID:
  • Source:
    SAChE – Safety and 91³ÉÈ˶ÌÊÓƵ Engineering Education
  • Language:
  • Skill Level:
  • Duration:
    2.25 hours
  • CEUs:
  • PDHs:
  • Accrediting Agencies:
    New Jersey
    New York