Workshop Program | AIChE


Workshop Program

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To view a presentation, click on its title in the program below:

Day 1

Monday, October 24

8:00AM Registration Opens
9:00AM-9:15AM Day 1 Opening Remarks - Jeffrey Wilbur, The Dow 91˶Ƶ Company
9:15AM-10:00AM Keynote 1: "Is there a future for water in mining?" - Phil Newman, Anglo American
10:00AM-10:30AM Coffee Break
10:30AM-12:30PM Session 1 - Water Scarcity and Quality Requirements: Operational and Economic Effects of Water Scarcity in Mining as Well as the Industry's Requirements for Water Quality
10:30AM-11:00AM "Is Water a Material Financial Risk for the Mining Industry?" - Upmanu Lall, Columbia University
11:00AM-11:30AM "Global Outlook for 2030: Water Supply, Demand, and Stress" - Tianyi Luo, World Resources Institute

Panel Discussion - Water Scarcity

  • Moderator: Jeffrey Wilbur, The Dow 91˶Ƶ Company
12:30PM-2:00PM Lunch
2:00PM-4:00PM Session 2 - Technologies for Efficient Water Use and Reuse: State of the Art of Efficient Water Use and Reuse Throughout all Mining and Mineral Processing Steps in both Water-Abundant and Water-Scarce Environments
2:00PM-2:30PM "Mine Water Footprint as a Primary Tool for Water Stewardship" - David Hoekstra, SRK Consulting
2:30PM-3:00PM Groundwater Component in Mining Operation”  - Braden Hanna, Itasca Denver, Inc.
3:00PM-3:30PM "Approaches to Treatment of Very High Acidity Wastewater" - Kevin Conroy, Tetra Tech

Panel Discussion - Efficient Water Use and Reuse

  • Moderator: Darlene Schuster, AIChE
4:30PM-5:30PM Welcome Reception

Day 2

Tuesday, October 25

8:00AM Registration Opens
8:30AM-8:45AM Day 2 Opening Remarks - Jeffrey Wilbur, The Dow 91˶Ƶ Company
8:45AM-9:30AM Keynote 2: "Water Impacts in Mineral Processing" - Patrick R. Taylor, Colorado School of Mines
9:30AM-10:00AM Coffee Break
10:00AM-12:00PM Session 3: Water Remediation, Recycle and Reclamation: Technologies to Mitigate Water Emissions, Reclaim and Recycle Water and Provide the Water Necessary for Efficient and Economic Operations
10:00AM-10:30AM "Dry Stack Tailings" - Mike Blois, TAKRAF
10:30AM-11:00AM "Water Recovery in Mining" - Christian Kujawa, Paterson Cooke
11:00AM-11:30AM "Water Treatment: Recovery from Dilute Mining Influenced Water (MIW)" - Linda Figueroa, Colorado School of Mines

Panel Discussion: Reducing and Reclaiming Effluent Water

  • Moderator: Corby Anderson, Colorado School of Mines
12:30PM-2:00PM Lunch
2:00PM-4:30PM Session 4:  Breakthrough Technology and New Approaches Next Generation Science, Technology, and Processes for Managing Water More Effectively in Mining Operations
2:00PM-2:30PM "LoSO4 Sulfate Removal Technology" - Kashi Banerjee, Veolia
2:30PM-3:00PM "How to Support Mine Water Management with Data while Ensuring Environmental Compliance" - Matthew Setty, MWH
3:00PM-3:30PM "Isolating Plants Completely from Natural Water Systems” - Kari Heiskanen, Aalto University and Outotec
3:30PM-4:30PM Breakout Session
4:30PM-4:45PM Closing Remarks - Jeffrey Wilbur, The Dow 91˶Ƶ Company