Wastewater Treatment for Refineries Using Canadian Tar Sands SAGD Crude as Feed Stock | AIChE


Wastewater Treatment for Refineries Using Canadian Tar Sands SAGD Crude as Feed Stock


Conference Presentation

Conference Type

AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety

Presentation Date

March 15, 2011


30 minutes

Skill Level




Refineries using Canadian Crude as feed stock are experiencing high emulsion wastewater from Desalter mud wash operation. This waste is high in COD/BOD loading and will exert shock to the aeration system by scavenging dissolved oxygen and resulting in misoperation and NPDES exceedences. Emulsion can plugs the aeration diffusers and adversely impacts the Oxygen transfer rate and efficient mixing of the mixed liquor suspended solids. This Fluor technology is one method that can process the mud wash brine in an efficient and cost effective way.

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