Utilizing Integrated Risk Assessment to Maximize Asset Integrity Management | AIChE


Utilizing Integrated Risk Assessment to Maximize Asset Integrity Management


Conference Presentation

Conference Type

AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety

Presentation Date

March 22, 2010


30 minutes

Skill Level




The advent of various safety standards like ANSI /ISA 84, IEC 61511, API 14C, API 580 / 581, SAE JA1011, IEC 60330 and PSM guidelines has been a good impetus in improving the availability and reliability of safety systems and processes with an objective to meet the requirements defined by OSHA, EPA, HSE and other governmental groups around the world.

Hazards analysis and risk assessments have become standard operating procedures in process plants over the past decade. Many organizations are carrying out more detailed asset specific risk assessments as part of Enterprise Asset Management programs. These risk assessments produce risk rankings and recommendations to maintenance / QA programs to mitigate these risks.

This paper address the interaction between various risk assessment process like Risk Based Inspection (RBI), Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM), Safety Integrity Level (SIL) analysis towards developing a comprehensive risk management strategy. This paper envisages on an asset integrity management approach to Maintenance / QA programs wherein the integration of these analytical processes will result in a unified risk ranking. The unified risk ranking of assets can enhance safety, improve availability, reduction in maintenance cost and better operability.


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