Use of Multiply Non-Destructive Examination (NDE) Methods in Life-Cycle Evaluation of Process Equipment and Systems | AIChE


Use of Multiply Non-Destructive Examination (NDE) Methods in Life-Cycle Evaluation of Process Equipment and Systems


Conference Presentation

Conference Type

AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety

Presentation Date

March 22, 2010


30 minutes

Skill Level




Equipment reliability is essential to the safe operation of process equipment. The health of process equipment must be analyzed by competent personnel using proper methods to identify current damage and predict anticipated life. The use of proper testing and inspection methods is basic to identifying damage mechanisms. The correct inspections and tests must be performed to identify equipment damage. There is no one non-destructive examination method that can be used to identify all damage mechanisms that may impact process equipment and systems.

This paper will examine various non-destructive examination methods for detection of specific damage mechanisms. The use of multiply NDE methods will be proposed for evaluating various equipment and process systems to determine suitability of service and predict the life cycle of the process systems and equipment.


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