Tutorial on Combustible Dust | AIChE


Tutorial on Combustible Dust


Conference Presentation

Conference Type

AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety

Presentation Date

April 3, 2012


30 minutes

Skill Level




Recent catastrophic dust explosions, the combustible dust National Emphasis Program (NEP), and OSHA proposed rulemaking, have increased awareness of combustible dust hazards in industry. This presentation provides an overview of combustible dust. The presentation will provide a summary of recent combustible dust incidents and the variety of types of materials that can represent a combustible dust hazard when present in a particulate form. Fundamentals of combustible dust will be covered, comparing and contrasting combustible dust to flammable gases and vapors. Test methods used to characterize the hazards of combustible dust will be reviewed. Finally, relevant standards and regulations will be described, including primary methods to prevent and mitigate combustible dust incidents.


Alfonso Ibarreta

Dr. Ibarreta applies thermodynamics, fluid dynamics, and heat transfer principles to the study of combustion processes in fires, explosions, and a variety of combustion devices. He is a Certified Fire and Explosion Investigator and has investigated fires and explosions involving consumer products, residential and commercial buildings, and industrial facilities. Dr. Ibarreta is a principal member of the NFPA鈥檚 Technical Committee on Explosion Protection Systems. This committee is responsible for NFPA documents related to explosion protection systems for buildings and equipment, including...Read more

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