Topical Plenary: Antimicrobial Platforms and Materials Addressing Current Health Challenges (Invited Talks) | AIChE


Topical Plenary: Antimicrobial Platforms and Materials Addressing Current Health Challenges (Invited Talks)


Conference Presentation

Conference Type

AIChE Annual Meeting

Presentation Date

November 20, 2020


73 minutes

Skill Level




Bacterial cells living at interfaces usually have neighbors of many different species and are able to organize themselves into complex structures named biofilms. A more effective management of these structures requires both an in-depth characterization of the spatial location of the individual cells and the use of molecules that are able to control their growth. In here, I will discuss the application of nucleic acid mimics (NAMs), also known as nucleic acid analogues, to study and manage these multispecies biofilms. More specifically, I will provide examples of works that are currently being carried out within our research team and that include: 1) coupling NAMs and fluorescence in situ hybridization for a more robust detection of pathogens within biofilms; 2) combination of NAMs and delivery vectors such as liposomes and cell-penetrating peptides for a more efficient treatment of individual microbial cells within biofilms.


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