Study of Natural Antioxident Inhibitors for Corrosion Protection of Mild Steel in Acidic Medium | AIChE


Study of Natural Antioxident Inhibitors for Corrosion Protection of Mild Steel in Acidic Medium


Conference Presentation

Conference Type

AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety

Presentation Date

August 19, 2020


60 minutes

Skill Level




Corrosion is a natural phenomena and it is a very big loss for structure as well as business; so corrosion minimization is one of the biggest areas of research. In this project; corrosion inhibition efficiency of berries juice extract was tested in mild steel sample against the sulfuric acid medium.

The corrosion inhibition of mild steel by using berries juice extract was studied as well as the mechanism of extract to inhibit the corrosion. Berries juice extract was prepared from four types of berries; blackberries, blueberries, cranberries, and raspberries as they are rich in antioxidants. They were crushed, filtered and saved at 0°C temperature. Sheets of 2.5*3 cm2 of mild steel were cleaned and kept ready for the test. The experiment was designed by using Design Expert V 11 where immersed time, acid and berries juice extract concentrations were set as factors and a limited range was selected. The corrosion rate was set as a response. 20 runs were under taken and the experiments were done in the lab with maximum care.

The corrosion rate in presence and absence of the berries juice extract was studied; the rate of corrosion of 1020.374 mpy minimized to 597.659 mpy in presence of 5ml of juice extract. The efficiency of berries juice extract reached to 41.427% by using 5ml of juice extract. The RSM gave 232.022 mpy corrosion rate as a minimum value and the optimum equation given by RSM was used for genetic algorithm analysis which gave 188.866 mpy corrosion rate respectively at the optimizing conditions.

The surface and chemical characterization of the mild steel sample in presence and absence of 15 ml of berries juice extract were analyzed along with the relations between temperature, immersed time, acid and berries juice extract concentrations with response. The mixing tank was designed, calculations and drawing were presented


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