Process Intensification of CO2 Absorption Using an Additively Manufactured Intensified Packing Device | AIChE


Process Intensification of CO2 Absorption Using an Additively Manufactured Intensified Packing Device


Conference Presentation

Conference Type

AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety

Presentation Date

August 18, 2020


12 minutes

Skill Level




A multifunctional packing device has been developed, characterized, and tested for process intensification of CO2 absorption by aqueous amines in packed columns. The multifunctional device is an additively manufactured packing element that integrates effective contact of phases and heat exchange in multiphase systems, and can be employed to vent excess heat from an exothermic reactive system or supply thermal energy to an endothermic chemical reaction. The impact of excess heat removal by the device on the absorption of CO2 by aqueous solutions of monoethanolamine is investigated. The design process of the device and the validation of core hydrodynamic metrics will be discussed. Heat and mass transfer testing demonstrated that the device was effective at removing excess heat from the reaction and, furthermore, that cooling could successfully enhance capture of CO2 by the amine solvent. The magnitude of the enhancement was found to depend strongly on operating conditions, in particular flow rates of CO2, air, and solvent concentration. This device represents a successful example of the role of additive manufacturing in the intensification of chemical processes.


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