PM2.5 Modeling Challenges | AIChE


PM2.5 Modeling Challenges


Conference Presentation

Conference Type

AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety

Presentation Date

March 31, 2014


15 minutes

Skill Level




Air Dispersion Modeling is usually required to demonstrate compliance with the Ambient Air Quality Standards for PM2.5 in support of an air permit application.  These standards are difficult to meet, and the modeling evaluation can quickly become very complicated.  This document and the corresponding presentation are intended to help explain the Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) modeling procedure and shed some light on the methods that can be used to limit modeled concentrations of PM2.5.EPA has provided some insight and option on several modeling options that could potentially reduce PM2.5 impact concentrations from sources that have a variable load as well as problem impacts on public roadways.  These items and other ways to potentially reduce modeled PM2.5concentrations will also be discussed.

 Also looming on the horizon is the requirement to evaluate secondarily formed particulate (from sulfates and nitrates) along with the current primary PM2.5 evaluation.  EPA鈥檚 progress on this upcoming requirement will be reviewed and a preview of what to expect will be provided.


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