Ncerc at Siue: A Hub for Open Innovation in Biofuels and Bioproducts | AIChE


Ncerc at Siue: A Hub for Open Innovation in Biofuels and Bioproducts


Conference Presentation

Conference Type

AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety

Presentation Date

August 19, 2020


20 minutes

Skill Level




The National Corn-to-Ethanol Research Center at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville (NCERC at SIUE) is a nationally-recognized research center dedicated to the development of biorenewables: biofuels, biochemicals, biomaterials and bioproducts. Since 2003, NCERC has grown with the biorenewables industry through a complete portfolio of services in the bioeconomy. The NCERC offers a modular, plug-and-play facility design for optimum process and experimental flexibility, convenient, in-house scale up capabilities from lab to intermediate to pilot scale, and employs leading scientists, engineers and operators to take your project to the next level. The NCERC maintains strong client confidentiality and intellectual property protection, allowing flexibility for clients, along with a culture of leadership and customer service.

The NCERC’s resources are cutting edge. We realize that in a fast-paced industry, it’s not only what you know, but who you know. The NCERC has deep relationships with leaders across several key sectors: industry, academia, government, and trade associations. Our network of information and resources are there to support clients and their project.

With no core funding for instrument maintenance or workforce support, the NCERC is constantly faced with challenges. Communication with clients is critical, especially for long-term projects without a client presence on site.

When it comes to research, we are on this journey together. What the client envisions, NCERC achieves. As a platform for open innovation by clients, NCERC delivers superior results through adaptable, innovative thinking, supported by our plug-and-play facilities and unparalleled expertise in engineering design, method development, process control and automation, strong client confidentiality and intellectual property protection, and commercialization services: project design, proof of concept, validation and scale up.


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