Incident Learning: Popcorn Polymer in Butadiene Extraction Unit | AIChE


Incident Learning: Popcorn Polymer in Butadiene Extraction Unit


Conference Presentation

Conference Type

AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety

Presentation Date

March 27, 2024


50 minutes

Skill Level




Popcorn Polymer (PCP) is a well-known industry safety and reliability risk in Butadiene Extraction Units, Steam Cracker Units ( primarily light-ends systems), as well in logistic facilities. The formation of highly cross-linked polybutadiene (polyBD), often termed “popcorn polymer” is hazardous as it could lead to losing equipment integrity, explosion, pyrophoric behavior or by taking safety critical equipment out of function.

Recently, one of the Shell Butadiene Extraction Unit experienced plastic deformation of two condensers within a couple of months, caused by popcorn polymer formation. Previously, it was assumed that the risk of PCP formation was relatively low at these locations. This paper will explore the potential causes that are likely to have caused the PCP initiation in the condensers and counter measures taken by the company to prevent such a PCP growth incident in the future.


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