The Importance of a Team-Based Approach to Overpressure Scenario Development | AIChE


The Importance of a Team-Based Approach to Overpressure Scenario Development


Conference Presentation

Conference Type

AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety

Presentation Date

April 30, 2013


30 minutes

Skill Level




With the increased regulatory focus on pressure relief and flare systems (PRFS) design basis, many companies are in the process of updating their existing relief systems design documentation. A very important aspect of any relief systems analysis is the correct identification of overpressure scenarios, and one way to ensure successful and accurate overpressure scenario development is to conduct this process as a team. This approach is currently in effect at many major oil and petrochemical companies including BP, Shell, Chevron Phillips, Bayer, etc., even though current relief systems RAGAGEP do not call for this approach.

The benefits of a team-based approach to overpressure scenario development include participation and consensus from all affected disciplines: engineering, operations, instrumentation and control, and process safety. Unique insights can be provided through operational experience, and there are opportunities to confirm correct operating and design conditions.

In the same way that a Process Hazard Analysis, conducted using a team approach, is a key element of a facility鈥檚 process safety information, so should the relief systems rationale.

This presentation outlines the basic steps involved in overpressure scenario identification, the way that a team approach can be implemented, and the benefits of a team-based approach to overpressure scenario development.


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