Impact of Nutrients on Water Environment: Control Technologies and Policy | AIChE


Impact of Nutrients on Water Environment: Control Technologies and Policy


Conference Presentation

Conference Type

AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety

Presentation Date

April 3, 2019


30 minutes

Skill Level




Effluent streams of domestic origin contain nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) that are essential nutrients for the growth and metabolism of microbial population in biological wastewater treatment process. Effluent streams for certain chemical industries contain high concentrations of ammonia. These include fertilizer production plants and petroleum refineries. While parts of these nutrients are utilized in cell growth, the remainder is discharged with the treated effluent. If this is discharged to a confined body of water, e.g. lake, estuary, or a bay it fosters undesirable aquatic growth of algae, hyacinths, etc., which adversely impacts the quality and aesthetic of the receiving body of water. Increasing number of states in the US are implementing stringent effluent discharge regulations for ammonia and total nitrogen.

This paper will present case studies on the steps taken and innovative technologies implemented to control nitrogen from wastewater treatment plants in the US. These will be supplemented by a discussion of technologies for reuse and resource recovery from treated effluent.


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