How Effective Is Your Fire and Gas System? | AIChE


How Effective Is Your Fire and Gas System?


Conference Presentation

Conference Type

AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety

Presentation Date

April 21, 2021


60 minutes

Skill Level




A well-conceived fire and gas system enables the early detection of loss of containment incidents, and the resultant actions can significantly reduce the magnitude and duration of potential consequences. With a wide range of variables affecting fire and gas hazard behavior, and an unlimited number of potential fire and gas detector configurations, how does one ensure that the system is effective and fit-for-purpose?

This presentation will outline an adaptable and consistent approach to assist with the strategic development of a fire and gas detection philosophy that is applicable to both onshore and offshore environments. Emphasis is placed on the importance of hazard assessment to gain an understanding of the behavior of the specific hazards and how this can be used to inform the detection strategy, in conjunction with relevant standards and codes. The presentation goes beyond what may be included in a typical fire and gas philosophy document and covers detector layout strategies, describes modern verification methods to assess detector coverage (e.g. 3D detector mapping), and provides approaches for the management of ongoing inspection and testing of the fire and gas detection system.


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