Characteristics of Companies with Great Process Safety Performance | AIChE


Characteristics of Companies with Great Process Safety Performance


Conference Presentation

Conference Type

AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety

Presentation Date

April 29, 2013


30 minutes

Skill Level




CCPS’s Vision 2020 describes the characteristics of companies with great process safety performance in the future.  This work is extremely important to the process industries and other industries that handle toxic, flammable, and explosive materials because it establishes targets to which companies will aspire for years to come.  In developing the vision, it was also recognized that there are issues beyond the scope of individual companies that need to be addressed to enable improved process safety performance.  Therefore, in Vision 2020 there are activities that go well beyond any individual company, indeed beyond the industries.  The purpose of this paper is to share CCPS’s Vision 2020 with the Global Congress, begin the process of engaging the broader community in the vision and the steps to achieve it, and provide an opportunity for companies to begin comparing their current characteristics to the vision.


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