A Century of Transport Phenomena: A Quarter Century of Fun with Industrial Strength Transport Phenomena | AIChE


A Century of Transport Phenomena: A Quarter Century of Fun with Industrial Strength Transport Phenomena


Conference Presentation

Conference Type

AIChE Annual Meeting

Presentation Date

November 17, 2008


30 minutes

Skill Level




In his 1961 review of the first edition of BSL's Transport Phenomena, John Butt described the book as 辕ne of the most important texts to appear in the field of chemical engineering in many years援 Clearly his assessment is still true 50 years later! Luckily BSL was written at a time when the digital computer was in its infancy and the authors had no choice but to focus on problems that were amenable to mathematical, rather than numerical, analysis. This choice demanded the student combine intuition, dimensional analysis, and fairly elementary mathematical techniques to develop qualitative understanding of the basic physics of a problem.


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