Welcome Address & Keynote Presentation: Advancing Digital Technologies in Research and Development and in Manufacturing in Recent Years and during the Pandemic | AIChE


Welcome Address & Keynote Presentation: Advancing Digital Technologies in Research and Development and in Manufacturing in Recent Years and during the Pandemic

Presented by Dr. Cristina U Thomas, Dr. Vijay Rajamani, 3M

Manufacturing has seen many transformations through the centuries of work. Digital transformation was already a disruptor within the Manufacturing industry. However, nobody anticipated a pandemic of such proportions to cast a cloud over the entire world. Work environment for all mankind was suddenly disrupted overnight. From a busy workplace to an empty workplace. Everyone went to working from home.

When we consider this massive change the world and the industry has seen through major part of 2020, a positive question arises as: was this the change/push needed for the world and especially the manufacturing industry to go through a Digital Transformation? And has Digital Transformation helped the industry perform better during the time of Covid-19?