Manufacturing USA Panel Discussion “What is the Future Outlook?"
Since March digitization has potentially taken giant leaps in terms of change management needs. Everyone small and large manufacturers who questioned the value of digitization / industry 4.0 tools has had to rethink their strategy. The question then needs to be answered is: Has Covid-19 shutdown actually helped the industry towards better digitization?
This panel will provide a perspective on what we have learned from the pandemic and look to the future of post-pandemic manufacturing. What are the best practices that will be embraced, what workforce things have we embraced? And finally, how do we see the impact on digitization based upon where we have been. If digitization has frog leaped then what does that mean for the institutes like MxD, RAPID and CESMII in terms of a future outlook? Are we thinking beyond Industry 4.0? Are we thinking this would make our industry even safer than before?
Featured Panelists:
Kym Werhle, Director, Engagement, MxD
Jim Davis, Vice Provost IT & Chief Academic Technology Officer, UCLA and PRINCIPAL CIO ADVISER, CESMII
Ignasi Paulo-Rivera, Technology Platform Director, RAPID
Moderated by:
Matt Loeb, CEO, SECURE