CIB 2023 Day 3 Featured Fireside Chat with Vinod Khosla, Khosla Ventures | AIChE


We are delighted to announce that Vinod Khosla, founder of Khosla Ventures, will be speaking for a fireside chat at this year's Commercializing Industrial Biotechnology conference.

Fireside Chat with Vinod Khosla, Khosla Ventures

Fireside Chat with Jason Ryder, CIB Chair

Vinod Khosla, Founder, Khosla Ventures

This fireside chat will feature Vinod Khosla, entrepreneur turned VC investor turned founder of his own VC firm. Questions will be asked, answered, and discuseed regarding best practices and lessons learned. We will specifically touch on advice for aspiring entrepreneurs, policy measures and tipping points, AI and machine learning, promising new companies and technologies, Clean Tech 1.0, and even the role of VC investors in solving the world's problems!

The floor will then be opened for audience questions- we would love to hear from you!