Developing Your 30-Second Value Statement (aka Your Elevator Pitch) by Alaina Levine | AIChE


Alaine Levine, Quantum Success Solutions

A brand is simply a promise of value and every successful professional and company is successful in part because they know how to articulate their brand. The ability to communicate your promise of value is vitally important for not only crafting your own career path, but also for finding out about hidden opportunities and jobs. In this presentation, attendees will learn the fundamentals of branding as it relates to career development and planning strategy. Participants will work together to develop their own 30-second brand statement for use in networking, and informational and job interviews. Participants will discuss the connection between brand, attitude and reputation, and why every interaction with someone affects how people perceive their brand. Attendees will leave this workshop with the ability to elucidate their own brand to whomever they meet, giving a critical competitive edge in the job market.