ChemE Jeopardy Competition | AIChE


Regional ChemE Jeopardy winners will compete for the 1st place title.  Awards will be given to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place Chapters.  Awards are sponsored by Omega Chi Epsilon.

First Round Room Assignments


University of Buffalo (Mid-Atlantic Region), Oregon State University (Pacific Northwest Region), and University of California, Berkeley (Western Region)


University of Florida (Southern Region), Rochester Institute of Technology (Northeast Region), and University of Michigan (North Central Region)


University of Texas 鈥 Austin (Southwest Region), New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology (Rocky Mountain Region), and Missouri University of Science & Technology (Mid-America Region)


The Preliminary Round will begin at 5 PM.

*The Championship Round will be held in 103D and will begin at ~6:00 PM.

For more information on the official ChemE Jeopardy Rules and Instructions, please visit the Competition Webpage here.
