2012 ASC Photo Galleries | AIChE


2012 ASC Photo Galleries

Click here to see photo's from the 2012 Annual Student Conference.

View various photo galleries from the 2012 Annual Student Conference that was held in Pittsburgh, PA.

Opening Night and Halloween Bash

Students were given the opportunity to mix and mingle during the Opening Night Mixer and the Halloween Bash.  Check out some of their colorful costumes. 

Student Award Ceremony and Graduate and Recruitment Fair

The Student Award Ceremony acknowledges the scholarship, award and competition winners from the past year.  Students and Young Professionals attended a Recruitment and Graduate Fair to help plan the next steps of their future. 

National Chem-E-Car Competition 

ChemE Students from Colleges and Universities around the country created vehicles solely based on chemical reactions! Click on the gallery below to see highlights from the competition and the poster competition.