High School Outreach Program | AIChE


We encourage schools to register for this event and join us for this one-of-a-kind program. We have a limit to the number of students that can attend and attendance is based on a first come first serve basis. Please see the program flyer for further information

Click here to download a flyer for this event

This FREE high school outreach program is presented to expose students to the profession of chemical engineering and engineering in general, and to give students the opportunity to interact with professional engineers. Students will come away from the program with an understanding of what engineers in general and chemical engineers in particular do, how they touch our lives, and how to pursue a career in engineering.

Program Outline:

  • Talk by Astronaut Al Sacco, the first ChE professor in outer space
  • Intro to engineering
  • How ChE changes the world
  • Lunch and Chat with Engineers
  • Panel discussion with engineers, engineering students and faculty
  • Interactive Game with students
  • Campus tour (optional)

Program Chairs:

Richard Isherwood
UOP LLC, a Honeywell Company
Email: Richard.Isherwood@Honeywell.com
Phone: 847.375.7562
Virginia Sommer
AIChE Outreach Program Co-Chair
Email: Virginia.Sommer@fluor.com
Phone: (281) 263-3492

*Registration is required to attend. Space is limited and available on a first-come first-serve basis.*
