Hotel Information | AIChE


Hotel Information

AIChE has negotiated a special rate for the 2013 AIChE Spring Meeting & Global Congress attendees in San Antonio. Use direct booking link and follow booking instructions where noted to get AIChE rates.Grand Hyatt San Antonio and Marriott Riverwalk are sold out, please use Hilton Palacio Del Rio,...

AIChE has negotiated a special rate for the 2013 AIChE Spring Meeting & Global Congress attendees in San Antonio. Use direct booking link and follow booking instructions where noted to get AIChE rates.

Grand Hyatt San Antonio and Marriott Riverwalk are sold out, please use Hilton Palacio Del Rio, located on the Riverwalk.

Follow booking directions listed below.

Hilton Palacio Del Rio

Rate is $149 for single guestroom.

  • Book at AIChE Rate Code: AIC
  • Call Hilton Reservations directly at 1-800 HILTONS (1800-445-2661) to make your sleeping room reservations. Please mention code AIC, and identify the hotel as Hilton Palacio Del Rio, located at 200 South Alamo Street, San Antonio, TX 78205.

San Antonio Marriott Riverwalk

Grand Hyatt San Antonio

image: via Hilton