All About Professional Licensure | AIChE


This session will include a number of invited speakers who will cover a range of topics beginning with the reasons for considering licensure from both the point of view of the engineer, the employer, and the public; the various rules and processes that are involved; exams; continuing education requirements; important organizations and their specific roles; as well as critical issues and changes now being deliberated. Issues such as the Masters or Equivalent Rule (MOE), the Industrial Exemption Laws and the differences between discipline and practice based laws will be explored. The session will strive to cover issues of importance to unlicensed practitioners and new graduates as well as those who have been licensed for many years, but who may not be as current on the latest licensing developments and issues as they would like. The session will conclude with a Q & A panel discussion to allow the audience to explore the most important issues to them and learn how they can become involved in the ongoing debates and rule changes. The session chairs will present signed certificates attesting to professional development hours upon request at the session.

1:30pm Overview of PE Licensing Process in United States William R. Parrish & Cory D. Jensen
2:10pm Licensure--An Academic Perspective S. Ranil Wickramasinghe
2:40pm Testing for Competency - the Professional Engineering Examination Anne Bertelsmann & Denise Chastain-Knight
3:30pm The Current Hot Button Issues in Domestic Professional Licensing Amos Holt
4:00pm The California Divide 鈥 And Why You Need To Engage Your Legislators Diane Spencer & Emmett Miller
4:30pm Panel of Speakers Joseph Cramer & Jeffery Perl