American Chemistry Society presents Jeff DiMaio, CEO
Fiber Lasers to Low-fat Chocolate: A business built on applied chemistry
Wedensday, November 11, 2020
In the early 2000's. Tetramer Technoligies found itself in a position with no customers, no market, and no sources of outside investment. Relying on the team’s technical competencies in chemistry and materials science, the main product, PFCB optical polymer, was transformed into a functionalized block copolymer to serve as a proton exchange membrane for the General Motors fuel cell car program. The decision to pivot into a new application space was Tetramer’s first, but not it's last. In this presentation Jeff will review models Tetramer Technologies has developed to solve a wide range of materials challenges across a variety of applications for industrial and defense customers across all stages of innovation, from concept to manufacturing.
This was an in-person event with a ZOOM simulcast at the Runway Cafe in Greenville, SC. Attendance was limited for the in-person meeting to 1/2 hangar capacity. Masks were worn when moving about the room. Tables were set up to allow for social distancing.
In-person included dinner - BBQ, Burgers, Chicken, Baked Beans, Cole Slaw, Lemonade, Tea, with "Cash" (CC) wine & beer bar. Food will be served buffet style - Costs offset - $15 for ACS - AIChE Members, $5 for Students, $20 for guests and non-members.
Social from 5:30-6:30, Dinner 6-7, presentation at 7PM Meeting wrapped up at 8PM. Pictures attached.
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